Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Fellowship of the Mat

We took 53 people up to Flathead Bible camp this past weekend for a trip we called "The Fellowship of the Mat." II stole that title from John Ortbert). We asked 13 highschool students to serve as camp counselors and lead small groups of middle school students in faith conversations around the following themes "Found on the Mat," "Friendship of the Mat," Forgiveness of the Mat," "Freedom of the Mat," and "Feel the Mat." These were all based on the Mark 2:1-12 text assigned for this past Sunday. The camp was wonderful. The high-school students become students of spiritual leadership as they wrestled with how to share faith with middle school kids. They gave an incredible gift to the kids by loving them and offering them genuine friendship. I'm hopeful that those friendships will continue and that the high-school students will be examples for the middle school kids of Devoted followers of Christ.

Mostly I'm amazed by the work of the Holy Spirit at the retreat and in my own life. God continually reminds me that "this all surpassing power is from God and not from me." He shows up when and where He wants to. I'm humbled to know that I cannot create spiritual experiences for people, as much as I want to. I watched with great frustrations as a group of 7th grade campers disobeyed and failed to engage in the content of the retreat only to be blown away when through their staffers the Holy Spirit opened them up to make confessions and strengthen each other with their openness in a 2 and a half hour small group sessions. I was discouraged by the lack of inspiriation I was given for my final talk but rejoiced when the Holy Spirit spoke mightily through Kathy in both of her talks and through Ryan's testimony. The Spirit gave a group of girls the opportunity to mourn the loss of a good friend in their small group. I don't know why God chooses to show up so consistently at camp settings, but I'm reminded again how important these opportunites are for youth to have.

It's an amazing privilege to be subject to the work of the Spirit and a very humbling position. My prayer is that God will increase in me a sensitivity to the Spirit's work that I would move quickly when He nudges.


Blogger Unknown said...

I will pray this for you as well. Keep up the good work!

4:58 PM  
Blogger Phillip said...

You are getting such great experience in your setting. You should think of writing youth group curricula at some point in your career.

Keep it up!

5:03 AM  
Blogger Matt said...

I am interested in the "Fellowship of the Matt." Of course, I have a vested interest. Just add a "t" please. :)

11:57 AM  

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